We are living in a news world today. I guess the first thing to do in the morning is not open your eyes, is serching the news for most of people especially for business man. I do not need to metion the importance of news to humans life. Cosider with our study, Media. Most media production's fuction is to delivery news or messages. For internet, first time I touch the internet, I thought it is convenience to searching news rather than read newspapers or listion to the radio. That means, at the very beginning, internet in my mind, is a news seaching engine. I guess most people have same feeling with me when they first time get touch with the computer.
From the news' view, media affect our life very much. We all 100% trust the news through media productions. In one hand, they have responsibility to tell us the truth. In the other hand, what if they always giving us wrong imformation? Can we touch the real world?
Second life?
Last week in my blog I have metioned about that the cyberculure which could be second life of people. This week in class, our doctor gave us a lecure about ideas of Artificial Life, Artificial Intelligence, Molecular Biology, Robotics and Cyborgs.

Two picture shows the development of human beings. It seems that during the process, human being stand up and sit down again. Are we go back to monkey?Consider with the lecture we have learned this week, I am confused with the future of people's future. Maybe after a century later or more earlier, all of people sit down at home and control there computers to work, to cook, to get married with some other robot and to life. Is that the future of human beings?Or the second life today becoming the first life in future?
The birth and death of Cyberspace
This week we have learned about the Cyberspace. What is cyberspace? In my simple understanding, cyberspace is another unreal world.
Again, in class we have discussed about "cyber-". I have metioned in my blog that I think Cyber means something existing in suppositional world.
With the birth of internet, the cyberspace appears. It could be called as the second life of people. In cyberspace, most people would like do what they can not do in real world. Thus, I think that cyberculture shows different character of people and cyberculture made people as full people.
For the death of cyberculture, maybe some new media will appear to kill the cyberculture and ocuppied people's second life?
"New" and "Old" Media
This week we have learned the "New" and "Old" Media. The first question appearing in my mind when I see the title is that how to separate new and old media. That means I wanted to know the standard to say one thing is new media or old media? For example, is Computer belongs to new media or old media?
Our teacher gives us five considerations to separate them.
Systemic consideration considered that the basic imformation of a media production exsiting in the market such as its owner, copyright, regulation and the way to access the media production.
Technical consideration gives us a new yardstick to separate them. A new media is a digital and electric media, However, not all the digital and electric media are new media.
Aesthetic consideration. In my understanding about this part, new media always update to be more convenience, and the function of new media could impacted the majority of people. Another characteristic of new media is that people could communication and interact each other through new media.
Logical consideration. Old media always need large supporting from money, culture and technology. It survives hardly in modern life.
Political consideration. New media are seeing as a child in network soceity
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